Tesla's Business Model Canvas

 Customer Segments: Luxurious cars sold at the mid-price range that are still affordable for people to purchase. It also focuses on going green to save the environment and is focused on electricity to power the vehicles instead of petrol.

Customer relationships: Brand reputation is essential, which needs to stand out to beat the competition.

Value Propositions: Best electric vehicle in the EV sector can beat any other competition as the company is far more advanced in the industry than any other car business.

Channels: Online that consumers could browse for vehicles that are self-service at any time of the day.

Key Activities: Making unique designs that are not identical to any other EV companies and the innovation leap that could beat the competition.

Key Resources: Must have a technological knowledge of the vehicle.

Key partners: Government and major suppliers that have helped fund the company to advance further faster.

Revenue Streams: Energy generation as the vehicles require electricity to power up.

Cost Structure: Huge amount of taxes from California and the materials and labour cost to build the vehicles.


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